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In a situation in which a family (person) is unable to meet its basic needs and needs psychosocial or material assistance due to a disaster or the will of another family or individual living separately, the social service of the local government may apply and request assistance to address the situation.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Crisis benefit means material assistance which the Social Service, taking into account the effects of the damage caused by the crisis or the costs necessary to improve the social situation, grants to a person if it does not have the right to receive other benefits and/or insurance claims imposed by the State or local government, or is insufficient to meet basic needs.
    In order to receive a benefit in a crisis situation, a person shall, within two months after the occurrence of the crisis situation, submit to the Social Service a submission and a copy of the document (presenting the original) attesting the fact of the crisis situation, as well as other documents necessary for taking the decision if they are not at the disposal of the State or local government.
    You can call 67105048 or 80005055 in the Social Service Territorial Center.
    An application in the official language and other documents may also be submitted to the Social Service by a secure electronic signature or by mail (the application must be signed manually), or by submitting an official application to the institution electronically.

  2. Receipt of services
    The Social Service of Riga takes a decision on the granting of the benefit and the amount thereof on the basis of an opinion provided by a social work specialist, assessing the social situation of the client and taking into account the consequences of the crisis.
    The allowance shall be paid by transfer to the account indicated by the person.
    Amount of benefit in a crisis situation:
    1. for a person living separately, up to the minimum monthly salary specified by the State;
    For family 2, up to two national minimum monthly wages.
    Riga Social Service informative phone: 67105048.
    Riga City Council Welfare Department Free Information Phone: 80005055

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