A record high number of trees will be planted in the green areas along the streets and in parks of Riga this year, i.e. more than 1,400 trees and also more than 10,000 shrubs. The Housing…
The Outdoor Space and Mobility Department of Riga City Council informs that 30 additional micromobility parking zones have been introduced in the capital. Micromobility parking zones have been…
This year, for the fifth year in a row, Riga local government invited residents to be decision-makers in their neighbourhoods and vote for neighbourhood development ideas submitted by residents,…
On Monday, 13 November, Riga City Council, the City Development Committee approved the proposal of the City Development Committee to participate in and pre-finance the project “Promoting Safe, Fair…
Greeting the Republic of Latvia on its 105th birthday, the capital will host a solemn flower-laying ceremony and military parade, various concerts, light installations and decorations of celebration…
Рижан запрошують взяти участь і допомогти в благодійній акції, організованій містом Ригою та Фондом Ziedot.lv, під час якої ми наповнимо подаровані Ригою автобуси громадського транспорту необхідними…