Ūdens brīvkrāns Rīgas centrālajā tirgū

This summer, 11 new free-access drinking water points, or "free taps", have been set up in Riga, giving residents and visitors the opportunity to refresh themselves in the hot weather at 36 places where water is supplied from the city's water supply, which is clean, of high quality, safe for use and regularly tested.

"This summer we have installed 11 new outdoor taps in different neighbourhoods of Riga, including in Uzvaras Park, providing an opportunity for skaters, roller skaters and other fans of active and athletic lifestyle to drink water. Promoting access to drinking water in the capital is one of our priorities. We will continue our work and expand the availability of quality drinking water in the public environment, so that Riga's residents and visitors develop the habit of safely using Riga's tap water, which is clean, safe, tasty and healthy," says Viesturs Zeps, Chairman of the Housing and Environment Committee of Riga City Council.

This year, the new free taps have been installed:

  • in Central Market (between the Meat and Milk pavilions);
  • at Anniņmuižas Park (77 Anniņmuižas bulvāris);
  • in Latgale Park (opposite 13 Balvu iela);
  • in Opera Park (1 Brīvības laukums);
  • in Nordeķi Park (60 Dzirciema iela);
  • in Viesturdārzs (28 Hanzas iela);
  • in Biķernieki Forest (68 k-1 Lielvārdes iela);
  • in Bolderāja promenade (Lielā iela);
  • at Māra's pond (opposite 33 Mārupes iela);
  • two at the Uzvaras Park (by the wooden terrace and the skateboard court).

In 2022, the following free taps were built in Riga:

  • in Vērmane Garden at the children's playground;
  • at the children's sports playground (116a Krišjāņa Barona iela);
  • in Ziedoņdārzs (100 Aleksandra Čaka iela);
  • in Āgenskalns market forecourt (64 Nometņu iela);
  • in Esplanāde behind Latvian Art Museum building;
  • in Mežaparks at the entrance to the zoo (11 Ostas prospekts);
  • in Dzegužkalns Park (11 Dzegužu iela).

In 2023, new taps were installed:

  • in Brasa Square near the children's playground (6 Invalīdu iela);
  • in Grīziņkalns Park (opposite 52 Pērnavas iela);
  • in Ēbelmuiža Park;
  • in Ziemeļblāzma Park;
  • at Vecāķi beach (intersection of Pludmales iela and Kāpu prospekts);
  • at the Biruta Baumane trail on Lēpju iela in Daugavgrīva;
  • in the children's playground in Pļavnieki (30 Andreja Saharova iela);
  • in the Imanta Secondary School sports field (19a Zentenes iela);
  • in Ķengarags promenade (opposite 262 Maskavas iela);
  • in Zemitāns Square;
  • in the Dailes Theatre Square.

Alongside this, last year "Rīgas ūdens" created an opportunity to restore the historic Water Source House opposite 3 Raiņa bulvāris, as well as the free fountain in Rātslaukums - the Rolands statue, which is managed by "Rīgas nami". This year, "Rīgas ūdens" has also taken over the free tap at 2 Lastādijas iela (near the Spīķeru Concert Hall on the side of Ģenerāļa Radziņa krastmala).

Only four of the free taps managed by Ltd. "Rīgas ūdens" do not cease their operation in winter (at 133 Jūrmalas gatve, 65 Voleru iela, 17 Mazā Vējzaķsala and 6 Kundziņsala 9th Transverse Line), but the rest are restored to operation in the summer season.

The locations for the installation of the free taps have been selected by the Housing and Environment Department of the Riga City Council after compiling data from the Neighbourhood Residents' Centre survey.

You can follow the current situation on the map of free taps on the "Rīgas ūdens" website: https://www.rigasudens.lv/lv/udens-brivkranu-karte

Information was prepared by: Mārtiņš Vilemsons, Project Coordinator at External Communication Division of Riga City Council, email: martins.vilemsons@riga.lv