Rīgas mobilā kultūrtelpa

Until the end of July culture space ‘Strops’ invites all residents and guests of Riga to enjoy a rich cultural programme. Concerts, creative workshops, events for children and warm meetings with neighbours in all five neighbourhoods of Riga!

This summer, Riga will offer five mobile culture spaces ‘Strops’: in the garden of Bolderāja branch of Riga Central Library and the garden of Čiekurkalns library, in Ēbelmuiža park, in the yard of Music and Art School of Latgale District, and the Pļavnieki Green Grove.

In July, culture space ‘Strops’ will organise two events in the garden of Bolderāja branch of Riga Central Library. On 11 July from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., there will be a youth evening: a meeting and creative workshops with Dace Kravale, the author of children’s book ‘Dorabellas istaba’. It will be followed by a concert ‘Stage for the young’ led by the youth bands ‘Pēdējais vilciens’ and ‘Stariņš’.

While on 25 July from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., there will be a ceramics workshop ‘Clay canteen’ organised together with the travelling workshop of Riga Porcelain Museum and the Waterflower or the interactive performance of Sabīne Moore that uses plants and electronic music.

In Ziepniekkalns, culture space ‘Strops’ will surprise with various concerts and events for children. On 12 July at 7 p.m., everyone is invited to a concert by the opera singer Evija Martinsone and the piano player Agnese Egliņa. And on 13 July, the ‘Miracle Day’ will welcome the youngest of visitors. It will offer a meeting and a creative workshop with Dace Kravale, the author of children’s book ‘Dorabellas istaba’, as well as creative workshops and meetings with the science centre ‘Vizium’, and creative workshops with the coordinator of Riga Neighbourhood Centre and Ziepniekkalns Neighbourhood Society.

At the end of July, the residents of Ziepniekkalns will be able to enjoy a musical trip together with Mārcis Auziņš and Aija Vītoliņa in the concert programme ‘Crossings’ that will take place at 7 p.m. on 26 July, while at 11.00 a.m. on 27 July there will be a concert for children by Katrīna Gupalo, Edgars Vilcāns and Armands Varslavāns. The guests will also be able to enjoy the performance of the Bubble Station of Riga Circus School.

On 3 July, there will be guided educational walks ‘Get to know your Čiekurkalns’ that will start from the garden of Čiekurkalns library of culture space ‘Strops’ to learn about the most notable sights of Čiekurkalns that will be followed by a performance of the Improvisation Academy.

On 17 July, there will be a performance ‘Dream of a king’ by Riga Youth Puppet Theatre ‘I-a’, while on 31 July the visitors will be surprised by the band ‘Jōra’ followed by the Latvian cinema evening.

On 3 July at Pļavnieki Green Grove of culture space ‘Strops’, the summer festival season will start together with the young musician and songwriter Rūta Ķergalve, the unforgettable singer Ieva Sutugova and musician Kārlis Būmeisters. While on 17 July the season will end with an event moderated by the young and energetic singer and songwriter Diona Liepiņa. The evening will continue with Riga DJ school and its founder Kaspars Dubra or DJ Dubra, who will perform together with Kaspars Dziļums or DJ Aspirins, one of the best scratching DJs in Latvia. They will tell about the basic principles of DJ art, will have practical workshops and demonstrations, while at the end of the evening there will be a dance party played by both professional DJs.

In Ķengarags, the yard of Music and Art School of Latgale Municipality, culture space ‘Strops’ will start the season with a concert by Daumants Kalniņš and Romāns Vendiņš.
They will offer a summery and romantic ambiance by singing songs by Latvian and foreign authors, as well as songs by Daumants Kalniņš.

While on 18 July, there will be a concert by Kaspars Zemītis and Kārlis Zemītis. Guitar virtuoso Kaspars Zemītis and his eldest son Kārlis Zemītis (from the band ‘Pirmais kurss’) will surprise with the classical guitar masterpieces. And, of course, there will be conversations overflowing with humour. And on 25 July, the season will end with real rock-and-roll: a solo concert by Juris Kaukulis, the leader of band ‘Dzelzs vilks’, who will sing songs and melodies for guitars, electronics and voice, including those written by Juris, well and not so well-known songs from various stages of ‘Dzelzs vilks’ artistic journey and songs from theatre plays.

Until the autumn, all visitors of ‘Strops’ will be able to enjoy a diverse programme of events, including cultural and educational events, poetry readings, concerts, performances, children's events, meetings with artists, sports activities and other events. In June and July, ‘Strops’ will offer more than 30 events organised by the municipal council.

The local residents and guests of Riga can enjoy these events free of charge.

For the latest news and summer events organised by the culture space ‘Strops’, see kultura.riga.lv, or follow the accounts of Riga City Council on social media ‘Rīga’ and ‘Rīgā notiek’.

Information prepared by: Aira Ancāne, project coordinator, External Communications Department, Communication Administration, Riga City Council, email: aira.ancane@riga.lv