On 8-9 February, the Baltic States will disconnect from the Russian power system and join the European common grid, which is three times the size of the Russian grid in terms of generation. This is the most ambitious energy independence and regional security project jointly implemented by the electricity transmission system operators of the Baltic States - Latvia (JSC (AS) “Augstsprieguma tīkls”), Estonia, and Lithuania. The Baltic States are ready to join the European power system, having invested hard work for 15 years in the project to ensure a successful accession and a stable electricity supply system.
"Synchronisation is aimed at being able to maintain and control the electricity supply grid ourselves, to ensure stability and not be dependent on the actions of our neighbours. In order to ensure the availability of quality information on the most ambitious independence project in the Baltics, we are organising a series of discussions with cooperation partners and departments of other ministries to explain the nature of the synchronisation project. It is true, however, that in difficult geopolitical circumstances, public vulnerability is higher, and, the closer we get to the deadline for the completion of the synchronisation project, the more often we are confronted with misleading information. We urge the public to critically assess information and not to fall for emotionally charged, unsubstantiated statements and not to share unverified news. For up-to-date information, I invite you to follow the KEM (Ministry of Climate and Energy) and AST websites", said Mr Kaspars Melnis, Minister for Climate and Energy.
The process of connecting to the European grid will commence on 8 February 2025 and last until 9 February. February is a good time to switch because of the higher electricity production in the region (thermal power plants are working due to heat load, no repairs are performed in winter). February is also less likely to have particularly bad weather conditions. The current BRELL contract will expire on 7 February.
No power cuts are expected to connect to the European grid. The Baltic TSOs have made a concerted effort to invest substantially in their transmission systems to maximise security of electricity supply. Interconnectors and in-country lines have been built and upgraded, and synchronous expansion joints and batteries have been installed to ensure network stability and continuity of service.
At the same time, it is not possible to completely rule out power outages because synchronisation involves a technically complex process. Outages are possible under any circumstances. They can be caused both by external influences, such as storms, and by technological failures in the transmission systems of Latvia or neighbouring countries. The likelihood of power outages due to synchronisation is not significantly higher than in everyday life, for example due to damage caused by adverse weather conditions. We invite local residents to familiarise themselves with the information materials - the essentials applying to the synchronisation project and what to pay attention to. For more details: see here!
The impact of synchronisation on electricity prices is relatively small, as the main price drivers in the Baltic States are domestic generation, fuel prices, weather conditions and the availability of network infrastructure. These influencing factors are constant throughout the year.
To reduce the impact of synchronisation costs on electricity users, the three Baltic operators have invested a great deal of effort, including 85% EU co-financing to strengthen Latvia's electricity grid infrastructure, purchase synchronisation equipment and battery storage systems.
Calculations carried out in all Baltic countries also show that the synchronisation project does not have a significant impact on the total cost of electricity service. It should be stressed that balancing reserves are essential to ensure stable operation of the Baltic electricity system. The impact of the costs of balancing reserves needed to keep the Baltic power system stable on final bills is forecast to be less than 5% in Latvia, as in Estonia and Lithuania. Yesterday, on 16 January, the Regulator approved the forecast total balancing costs of the JSC (AS) “Augstsprieguma tīkls”.