Latvijas Eiropas savienībā 20 gadus

Since the accession of Latvia to the European Union (EU) on 1 May 2004, Riga City Council has implemented various projects with the support of the EU funds to improve traffic infrastructure, insulation of buildings, education, health and other area in the amount of 688 million euros, including the direct support for the local government which had been approximately 381 million euros.

“Our Latvia has been a full member state of the European Union for 20 years already. This time has been filled with challenges and opportunities, implementing a great number of significant projects. Thanks to the co-funding of EU funds, we have updated the infrastructure in Riga, making the life more convenient for citizens of Riga, as well as creating new opportunities for business and tourism. Bridges have been repaired, new motorways have been constructed, new trams, reconstructed parks, dozens of renewed and insulated buildings, upgraded schools – we can count the fruit of the joint work almost with every step. Of course, we should mention the countless projects that cannot be viewed right away but which provide a significant investment in development nonetheless – investments in the fields of education and research, as well as providing access to state-of-art technologies. All of this has strengthened the competitiveness of our city in the global market and has promoted development of new talents. Currently, implementation of several ambitious projects is underway, and soon every citizen of Riga and every visitor will be able to enjoy more benefits from our belonging to the common family of European countries,” emphasised Mr Vilnis Ķirsis, the mayor of Riga.

Traffic Infrastructure

Riga City Council has managed to attract 115 million euros of EU co-financing for construction of bridges and roads:

  • Renovation of the Salu bridge complex;
  • Sarkandaugava overpass over the Riga - Skulte railway line;
  • Eastern Motorway;
  • Brasa overpass;
  • Culture and sports quarter in the Grīziņkalns neighbourhood;

Whereas, the municipal company “Rīgas satiksme’ has received 65 million euros in the EU co-financing for development of public transport:

  • for purchase of low-floor trams and construction of infrastructure;
  • for purchase of electric buses;
  • for the hydrogen plant;
  • for electric charging stations.


The EU co-financing of approximately 44 million euros has been received for renovation and insulation of various municipal buildings: schools, cultural institutions, etc:

  • Renovation of the National Art Museum of Latvia;
  • Reconstruction of VEF Culture House;
  • Insulation of schools, kindergartens, and other buildings;
  • Renovation of the building of Vidzeme Department of Riga Municipal Police;
  • Renovation of Riga Sports Arena;
  • Renovation of the Latvian Riflemen Square
  • New buildings and rooms of natural sciences in schools.

Urban environment

By involving more than 20 million euros in EU co-financing, residents and visitors of Riga received several renovated territories for recreation and leisure:

  • Grīziņkalns park;
  • Ziedoņdārzs garden;
  • Miera dārzs garden;
  • Clean-up of the former dumpsite on Deglava Street;
  • Clean-up of the former dumpsite on Kleistu Street;
  • Renovation of Spīķeri quarter;
  • Creation of Bolderāja flood protection dam and development of territory;
  • Walking trails and other infrastructure at the nature park “Piejūra”;
  • “Wooden Riga” – strengthening the tourism potential of the cultural and historical heritage of Grīziņkalns.

Water management, heating, and waste management

The EU investment in the development of Riga water management has reached approximately 106 million euros during these years. The largest projects of the municipal company “Rīgas ūdens”:

  • Construction and expansion of urban networks in Vecāķi, Mežaparks, Mārupe (part of riga) and/or Bieriņi, Šampēteris, Dārzciems, Katlakalns, Bolderāja, Berģi, Imanta, Beberbeķi, Ziepniekkalns and Teika;
  • Construction of a new water preparation plant in Baltezers and reconstruction of the pump station “Baltezers-1”;
  • Construction of the gravity tunnel collector from Vairoga Street to Gaujas Street;
  • Construction of the sewerage collector of Hanzas Street in the section to Eksporta Street;
  • Construction of the sewerage collector of Lielirbes and Kalnciema Streets in the section from Dreiliņu Street to Kārļa Ulmaņa gatve;
  • Separation of sewerage joint systems in the neighbourhood of Teika and Čiekurkalns and construction of household sewerage on Ropažu Street;
  • Delivery of four large diesel generators to ensure business continuity of pump stations;
  • Expansion of the water source “Zaķumuiža”;
  • Replacement of the strategic water supply system valves and reconstruction of major pipelines;
  • Reconstruction of sewerage pipelines.

The company AS “Rīgas siltums” has received co-financing of approximately 17 million euros for installation of biofuel units in five heating centrals.

Whereas, the company “Getliņi EKO” has attracted the EU co-financing of 36 million euros in various projects for management improvement, the largest of which was creation of the equipment for biologically degradable waste at the landfill.


The EU financing of approximately 23 million euros was attracted for various projects in the area of education. Some of the major projects were as follows:

  • Support for development of individual competences of learners;
  • Support to reduce the rate of dropout;
  • Career support in general and vocational education institutions;
  • Digitalisation of educational institutions for forms 7 to 9.


Riga Maternity Hospital has received the EU co-financing of 2.3 million euros to improve availability of healthcare services; and Riga 1st Hospital has received co-financing of 2.2 million euros to improve healthcare infrastructure and availability of services.

Information was prepared by: Mārtiņš Vilemsons, Project Coordinator at External Communication Division of Riga City Council, phone: +371 26007509, email: