City and Community Urban environment

In order to provide a broader circle of interested parties with up-to-date information on development opportunities and conditions in the capital of Latvia, materials of the new Riga Spatial Plan have been translated* and published in English. The translation includes regulations on the land use and building in the territory, maps of the graphic part with the planned use of the territory and main protection zones and other restrictions in the territory, explanatory note to the Plan, as well as the binding regulations by which the Plan was approved.

Given that since the adoption of the Plan, some national laws and regulations have changed and new municipal binding regulations have been adopted, affecting issues within the scope of the Plan, the translated materials contain references to these updates. As a result, the translation serves as a valuable resource for foreign investors, researchers and other interested parties, who wish to learn more about the current development procedures and use of territory in Riga.

*The translation is for information only, and is not legally binding.

 Translation is available here: