This year, Riga City Council plans to start building mobility points at the railway stations “Alfa”, “Bērnu slimnīca”, “Slokas iela”, “Brasa”, “Vecdaugava”, “Turība”, “Mangaļi”, “Vecāķi”, “Gaisma”, creating convenient and safe connection points between public transport, pedestrian, cycling and rail infrastructure at these locations by May 2026.

“Trains are fully integrated into the public transport system in every city, and our goal is to achieve this in Riga too – to ensure that the city's public transport is in constant and passenger-friendly interaction with passenger trains. For this to happen, not only vehicles and trainsets are important, but also a comfortable infrastructure – it is the task of “Latvijas Dzelzceļš” to rebuild platforms for comfortable access to trains but our task as Riga City Council is to ensure easy access to stations and connections to public transport stops. Such new and convenient connections will be provided in the new mobility points,” underlines Riga mayor Vilnis Ķirsis.

The chairman of the Riga City Council also points out that another step towards more convenient use of public transport will be a single ticket for Riga's public transport and passenger trains. “We are working on this together with our colleagues from the Ministry of Transport and I hope that in the first half of next year, we will be able to start testing it in a pilot project,” said V. Ķirsis at a press conference that was held on Thursday, 15 August.

During the construction of the mobility points, it is planned to improve the area adjacent to the railway stations and to connect the railway station platforms with the traffic and public transport infrastructure. The solutions and construction project have now been finalised and the procurement for the works will be launched in the next few weeks. Depending on the procurement outcomes, construction works on the mobility points could start this autumn.

In all mobility points, it is planned to create safe and convenient infrastructure for pedestrians, cyclists and users of micro-mobility tools, to improve traffic safety solutions by providing raised pedestrian crossings and lighting, bike shelters, and to improve the connection of urban public transport with train traffic. Where possible, public transport stops will be built as close as possible to the railway stations.

In order to have as little impact as possible on the environment and the living conditions of the residents of the surrounding area, it is planned to create short-term parking spaces at the mobility points (“Kiss&Ride”) as well as shared parking spaces.


At the same time, the municipality is developing the construction project for mobility points at the railway stations “Bolderāja”, “Dauderi”, “Sarkandaugava”, “Šķirotava”, “Zemitāni” and “Ziemeļblāzma”. It is planned that the installation of utilities at these locations will start this year but the construction of mobility points will start in 2025. The construction of these mobility points will be implemented by the municipality with funding from the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility, investing in environmentally friendly improvements to Riga's public transport system.

It is planned to implement the construction project of the mobility points “Alfa”, “Bērnu slimnīca”, “Slokas iela”, “Vecdaugava”, “Turība”, “Mangaļi”, “Vecāķi”, “Gaisma” with the financing from the funds of the municipality and the European Union. It is intended to submit the project for co-financing from European Union funds within the Measure "Multi-modal public transport network" of the Specific Support Objective (SAM) 2.3.1 "Promote sustainable diversified urban mobility" of the planning period 2021-2027

But for the implementation of the mobility point "Brasa" it is planned to attract co-financing from the European Union funds within the Measure "Development of Public Open Space” of the Specific Support Objective (SAM) 5.1.1 "Promotion of integrated social, economic and environmental development of the local area and of cultural heritage, tourism and security in urban functional areas" of the planning period 2021-2027.

The project is carried out by the Public Infrastructure Development Department of the Riga City Council's Central Administration. The construction projects are developed by SIA “BM projekts”.