Cilvēki brauc ar velosipēdiem

Riga will promote sustainable mobility solutions to reduce CO2 emissions and encourage people to change their habits by promoting bicycle as a sustainable means of transport.

On Monday, 19 August, at a meeting of the Committee on Traffic and Transport, deputies approved the implementation of the project "Cycle4climate"* for the period 2024-2027, which aims to promote sustainable mobility solutions to reduce CO2 emissions by taking measures to change people's habits and promoting bicycle as a sustainable means of transport.

The project will be implemented in four Baltic Sea cities - Riga, Espoo, Gaevle and Pärnu.

Riga's activities include promoting the use of bicycles in the Torņakalns and Ziepniekkalns neighbourhoods by improving cycling infrastructure and installing bicycle counters, as well as by launching social campaigns to motivate neighbourhood residents to choose bicycles over cars as their daily means of transport.

Two social surveys are planned to be carried out in Riga at the beginning and at the end of the project, with the test neighbourhoods being Torņakalns and Ziepniekkalns. At the same time, the installation of two bicycle and two car counters in the vicinity of the cycling route "Centre-Torņakalns-Ziepniekkalns" would be implemented in the initial phase.

Based on the analysis of the project partners and the assessment of the urban experts, as well as the results of the survey, cycling infrastructure improvements to the cycle route would be implemented and three social campaigns would be carried out to inform people about the benefits of cycling.

This will provide data-based evidence on the impact of social campaigns and physical improvements on changing people's behaviour and reducing CO2 emissions.

The content and administrative implementation of the project will be carried out by the Spatial Planning and Mobility Department.

*The "Cycle4climate" project provides solutions to promote sustainable cycling habits and reduce CO2 emissions in the Central Baltic region. The estimated cost of the project is EUR 247.2 thousand, including EUR 24.7 thousand from the municipal budget and EUR 197.8 thousand from EU co-financing.

The subject will be discussed in the Finance and Administration Committee and at a meeting of the Riga City Council.

Information was prepared by: Aira Ancāne, project coordinator of the Department of External Communications of Riga City Council Communication Department, email: