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The main priorities of the Riga City Council in the field of education in the 2023/2024  school year will be the United School, attraction of teachers, and development of the STEAM ecosystem, with particular focus on the well-being of students and teachers. In order to spend the new school year in more modern and suitable spaces, schools and kindergartens have undergone extensive renovation works, while the Riga Municipal Police (RMP) will take care of the safety of children and young people. As the new school year begins, the local government urges drivers to take extra care and be tolerant to the children who have returned to the city after the summer holidays.

This year, the capital will host 97 schools, 148 pre-school educational institutions, ten sports schools, nine music and art schools and eight institutions of interest education.

"Riga has prepared for the new school year properly - more than 80 educational institutions, including kindergartens, general education institutions and sports schools, have undergone renovation works over the summer. At the same time, I believe that more fundamental investment in Riga's education infrastructure is required in the coming years, and that we have a duty to build at least five new schools. One of the challenges of the last school year was the transition to teaching in Latvian - it was the first year on the way to the United School, which will continue in Riga despite the challenges we face in the process. At the same time, this will be the first school year for compulsory defence training, which will be introduced in Riga schools in unison with other Latvian cities", says Mr Vilnis Ķirsis, Chairman of the Riga City Council. 

Repairs in Riga municipal educational institutions

"The new school year will start soon, and we are all preparing for this new start. Educational institutions are also undergoing a transformation, as we continue to improve schools and kindergartens, as we did last year, so that our youngest residents of Riga could learn in better conditions.
Construction work is now well underway in several educational institutions, many of which will have new and improved facilities by September. Riga City Council has already signed contracts for various renovation and improvement works in 83 educational institutions in Riga. We continue our work to provide a safe and modern learning environment. I wish us all a successful, inspiring and productive new school year", says Mr Edvards Ratnieks, Deputy Mayor of the Riga City Council.

In total, repair, building renovation and landscaping works are being carried out this year in 42 schools, including sports schools, for the total amount of €26.4 million, as well as in 41 pre-school educational institutions for a total contract amount of €6.2 million. This year, the Riga City Council also adopted decisions on the construction of building of the Skanste pre-school educational institution at 6 Grostonas Street and of the Mežaparks Primary School. Both projects are scheduled to begin in 2025.

Safety in the new school year in educational institutions and Riga in general

"Riga will implement a wide range of measures to ensure that the new school year starts and continues as safely as possible for our city's children and young people. On 2 September, the RMP will provide a maximum 24-hour police presence. During the first two weeks of the school year, police will step up road safety and public order in the vicinity of educational institutions and popular youth gathering places. Stationary patrols at six educational institutions in Riga will be a novelty. This school year, we also want to significantly improve the security situation in the vicinity of Riga Central Station by mobilising all responsible municipal bodies to this end", stresses Mrs Linda Ozola, Deputy Mayor of the Riga City Council.

In addition to car patrols, the RMP will also organise police foot patrols, and significant support to the police crews will be provided by the RMP Video Surveillance Centre staff.

The RMP will also step up enforcement of public order and road safety requirements at the educational institutions and the nearest vicinity thereof. As every year, checks will be carried out at sales outlets, taking preventive measures and, where necessary, carrying out control purchases.

Throughout the school year, the RMP will carry out preventive measures to protect minors and prevent offences, as well as police stationary or police car patrols will be present at the educational institutions. In order to ensure the most effective model for ensuring public order and security at the educational institutions of Riga and in the adjacent areas, the RMP regularly carries out risk analysis at each site and works closely with the directors of educational institutions. In addition, the RMP will organise various educational events for children and young people in educational institutions throughout the school year.

Work to build a United School is to continue

The greatest challenge of the last school year was the work on the creation of the United School, which Riga will continue also in the current school year by switching to teaching in Latvian in grades 1, 4 and 7. A great deal of work has also been done to improve the school network, which is a very important step towards United School. This year, we are planning to organise seminars for teachers, forums for school management teams, continue school visits and getting feedbacks not only from schools, but also from pre-schools and parents of schoolchildren. This school year, significant focus will be put not only on lessons, but also on the school environment, events and interest education where children can learn and use the Latvian language. 

STEAM ecosystem development in Riga

One of the priorities for the next school year is the development of a STEAM ecosystem in Riga, where successful collaborations have already been established with various partners to awaken students' interest in these fields, as well as to support educators by providing them with knowledge and practical examples in engineering. This academic year will see the launch of the new STEAM Teachers' School, introduction of robotics classes in grades 1 and 2, the "Climate Days" events for schools in collaboration with Riga Technical University are also planned, and the synergy project between interest education institutions and schools will continue. 

Teacher attraction measures

This school year, Riga local government will continue the ongoing work it has started and puts measures for attraction and reproduction of teachers as one of its main priorities. The capital will continue shaping a positive image of this profession through a series of videos and broader events. The local government is also working on activities for retention of the current teachers, and plans to improve the teachers' basket of benefits. This school year, support will be provided to develop the professional skills of new teachers through the involvement of school mentors and learning advisers.

"Riga's municipal educational institutions are ready to start the new school year in full swing, providing children and young people with the best conditions for learning and development. We continue our work on the creation of the United School, which aims to provide quality education in Latvian while creating an inclusive and creative learning environment. I am particularly pleased with Riga's progress in the development of the STEAM fields, where we have built strong collaborations with partners to inspire future engineers, scientists and technology leaders", says Mr Ivars Balamovskis, Acting Director of the Education, Culture and Sports Department of the Riga local government. 

Priorities - well-being of students and teachers

This school year, the local government will contribute special thoughts and works to the well-being of students and teachers by organising surveys to find out how students and teachers feel in Riga schools, and continue cooperation with a number of organisations to ensure the best protection of children's rights and interests in the capital. This year, a special focus will also be put on shaping schools as learning organisations and on the professional development of school management teams.

"Riga is ready to start the new school year with fresh energy and enthusiasm. This year, we will continue investing in our education ecosystem, continue implementation of the United School, discuss well-being of teachers and attraction of new pedagogues by implementing solutions on a daily basis. This year, there will also be a special focus on development of the STEAM ecosystem to stimulate the interest of the young generation in science, technology, engineering, arts and maths and to secure their future career opportunities. In the new school year, a number of workshops and forums for teachers are planned to support their professional growth and equip them with the skills they need to work with students. Overall, the aim of the local government is to make Riga's education system a model for the entire State of Latvia, ensuring the well-being of both students and teachers, as well as promoting quality and comprehensive education", says Ms Laima Geikina, Chair of the Education, Culture and Sports Committee of the Riga City Council. 

Encourages to use public transport and leave home in timely manner

Every year, when new school year begins, the number of vehicles in Riga increases, resulting in traffic jams alongside the ongoing construction works. As the active construction season continues until late autumn, the local government encourages local residents to use public transport. On the first day of the school year, Monday, 2 September, public transport will be free. E-tickets or code tickets will not be required on Riga buses, trolleybuses and trams on 2 September. Lower number of private means of transport in the city means smoother public transport flow.

However, if you decide to travel by car, the local government encourages you to re-plan your usual route to avoid repair work areas or plan for extra time to get to your destination on time.

The local government also encourages drivers to be especially careful and tolerant to the children who have returned to the city after the summer holidays. Before starting or resuming the daily school routine, the local government calls parents to discuss road safety rules with their children and remind them to behave safely on the streets. 

Information was prepared by: 

Sindija Grāvere, Project Coordinator of the External Communication Division of the Communication Department of the Riga local government, e-mail:  sindija.gravere@riga.lv

Lelde Rudzika, Project Coordinator of the External Communication Division of the Riga City Council, e-mail: lelde.rudzika@riga.lv

Ineta Miglāne, Project Coordinator of the External Communication Division of the Communication Department of the Riga local government, e-mail: ineta.miglane@riga.lv

Preses konference par jauno mācību gadu Rīgas Centra Humanitārajā vidusskolā | 29.08.2024.
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