Construction works to integrate the European rail infrastructure project Rail Baltica into the infrastructure of Riga city centre will be launched on February 13. In order to ensure safe and…
This week, the geospatial information portal GEO RIGA has been made available to a wider audience, where anyone interested can consult the geospatial data maintained by the municipality's departments…
The Riga Investment and Tourism Agency has started 2023 with innovations in both workforce attraction and attracting international companies: the international talent attraction platform "Work in…
The Riga City Council's Central Administration's Territorial Improvement Board (TLP) has started annual playground safety inspections to assess and prevent risks of injury to children. In addition,…
From 6 February, changes will be made to the Route 22 bus schedule on working days and holidays. This will improve public transport accessibility at Riga Airport. From now on,…
Over the past year, the share of sorted waste has increased in Riga, which not only helps to protect the environment, but also allows considerably saving the inhabitant's resources. Last year,…