Process description
Service requests
In order to perform trade, demonstration or transfer of materials of a pornographic nature in the City of Riga for a fee, it is necessary to receive the relevant local government agreement to the site for the performance of the referred to activity.
In order to receive a co-ordination, a submission shall be submitted to the local government in which the name, registration number and legal address of the merchant, the place of intended activity, type and working time, the term of operation, if the consent is necessary for a specified period.
The application shall be accompanied by:
1) a copy of the lease agreements or document certifying the right of property to the location to be harmonised (presenting the original);
2) the written consent of the owner of the selected site for the sale, demonstration in a public place or transfer for payment of materials of a pornographic nature, if the merchant is not the owner of such site;
3) licences or permits for the performance of the relevant commercial activity, if the necessity thereof is determined by law or Cabinet regulations, copies (presenting the original).Receipt of services
The service shall be received in person or electronically.