Process description
Service requests
In order to deal with the commercial carriage of passengers by taxi in the administrative territory of the municipality of Riga, it is necessary to receive a special permit (licence) issued by it.
Requesting a service may be possible in person or in e-mail in the Transport Department of the Riga City Council. For the issuance of a special permit (licence), the submitter shall submit an application, accompanied by a document attesting the payment of the State fee for the receipt of a special permit (licence) and a notification regarding the tariffs of transfers. A submitter shall submit an application for the revocation of a special permit (licence).A service charge
Cabinet Regulation No. 146, No. 146, Regulations Regarding the Issuance of a State Fee for the Issuance of a Special Authorisation (Licence) for Commercial Carriage by Road, provides for a State fee for the issuance of a Special Authorisation (Licence) - EUR 50.00, for the re-issue of a Special Authorisation (Licence) - EUR 8.00.
Recipient: Riga City Municipality
Raatslaums 1, Riga, LV-1050
NMR code: 90011524360
Sales tax exempt.
No: LV90011524360
Bank: Latvian branch of Luminor Bank AS
Bank code: RIKOLV2X
Account: LV36RIKO0023400000000
The State fee shall be paid prior to the submission of an application for the receipt of a special permit (licence).Receipt of services
Information regarding the issuance of a special permit (licence) shall be sent to the carrier
the e-mail address specified in the application. The decision of refusal shall be transmitted electronically to the carrier. Information on special authorisations (licences) and notices granted to carriers shall be published on the website of the Transport Department.