Execution deadline in working days
Any person
Receiving restrictions

On the basis of the information received by mail, fax, telephone and e-mail, as well as on-site requests for information, derivatives of internal laws and orders of the Riga City Executive Chairman and Riga City Executive Director, decisions of the Riga City Council, derivatives of minutes of meetings of Riga City Council, derivatives of correspondence documents, Riga City Council Secretariat, document derivatives in archive funds. Prepared document derivatives are transferred to the Riga City residents centre for service to the requester or sent to the addressee by mail or by e-mail.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The customer addresses the service in person, via mail, telephone or e-mail.

  2. Receipt of services
    Face-to-face: The service can be received at the Riga City Neighborhood Center, indicating it in the request.
    E-mail: If you need to receive an informative text file or an electronically certified copy without limited availability information.
    Mail: You can receive the service by mail, indicating it in the request in advance.
    If the document contains restricted accessibility information, the applicant must present a personal identification document when receiving in-person information in the city city of Riga.