Process description
Service requests
A person, his or her legal representative or an authorised person may refer to the Transport Department of the Riga City Council in person, by post, by e-mail, to request an opinion in the Construction Information System (BIS) in order to receive an opinion regarding the facility's readiness to be put into service or the developed detailed plan, or the local plan. Documents necessary for the receipt of the service: application, if the documents are submitted by an authorised person, a mandate, technical regulations issued by the Transport Department (copy if issued), a harmonised general plan (copy, including in the format of dwg), a copy of the building permit, a certificate or an explanatory article, in case of changes to the design - the agreed change master plan (with visible conciliations, if the project is harmonised in paper format), the agreed change master plan in DWG format, structure execution plans, according to the solutions of the building design that affect street red lines (e.g.: engineering networks, engineering structures, etc., each execution should be provided on a single sheet in PDF format (print scale 1:50 0 or 1:25 0) and 0) in a digital (DWG OR DGN file format) FORMAT in the LKS 92 TM coordinate system, in accordance with Cabinet Regulation No 281 of 24 April 2012), the plan of the traffic organisation agreed in the construction project (with visible conciliations if the project was harmonised in paper format).Receipt of services
The service is received in person, by post, by e-mail or in the Construction Information System (BIS) after verifying the documents submitted.