Execution deadline in working days
On the basis of a request for information received in the city of Riga, in the Correspondence Division of the Secretariat of the Riga City Council or in the Archives by post, e-mail, as well as in-person, social court inquiries are prepared. The prepared statements are transferred to the requester of the residents of the City of Riga for service, sent to the addressee by post as registered letters or received in person in the Archives of the Secretariat of the Riga City Council.
Process description
Service requests
A personal identification document or document attesting the right of a person to obtain a certified statement.
A statement of a person may be requested for himself or herself, for persons under their aegis and for deceased relatives.
Receipt of services
A document certifying perosin must be produced upon receipt of a statement in person. When you receive a mail statement, it will be sent in a registered letter.