Execution deadline in working days
The Urban Architect Service, in cooperation with industry experts and partners, shall provide advice on site planning and design issues, including:
1) regarding the regulatory framework for the architecture sector;
2) regarding the practice of architectural competitions;
3) regarding the impact of climate change on multi-apartment buildings;
4) regarding the renovation of complex apartment buildings;
5) regarding the participation of the public in the building of a living room;
6) regarding the building structure in the suburbs and the Old Town.
The aim of the service is to enrich, restore and develop the quality of the urban environment as a result of the construction process, and to promote the principle of architectural quality in the implementation of projects. This means that when planning and designing the work, the commissioning party and the designer must take into account the intended construction programmes, the environmental context and the interests of the affected groups of society, balancing the design's functional, spatial, ecological, aesthetic, social, cultural and historical, technological and economic aspects, which are often not an easy task.
Process description
Service requests
The application of a client to an on-the-spot consultation may take place by registering it in advance on the telephone or by sending a written request for advice to an e-mail or mail address of the City Development Department of Riga City Council, briefly outlining the question/problem on which the client wants to be consulted. A representative of the city architect's service shall contact the customer by telephone and/or electronic means within a maximum of 48 hours of receipt of the request and shall agree with the customer on the appointment time. The consultation shall be provided in oral form at the time of the presence-in meeting or by preparing the requested information for sending a reply to the e-mail or mail correspondence address indicated by the customer. Depending on the nature of the matter and the number of parties involved, several meetings may be organised for consultation purposes.
Receipt of services
The service (advice) shall be provided when meeting with the service requester in person (upon prior application) or by providing a written response to the e-mail or correspondence address specified by the service interrogator.