Execution deadline in working days
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Receiving restrictions

In the cases specified in Chapter 5 of the Law On Land Reform in the cities of the Republic of Latvia, natural and legal persons may register a change of ownership rights in the Land Register only upon receipt of the consent of the President of the City Council for the acquisition/preservation of land in property. The consent shall be drawn up in the form of a statement and shall be signed by the Chairman of the Riga City Council or by a person authorised by the Chairman of the Riga City Council, if the purpose of land use specified in the application conforms to the Riga spatial plan and the restrictions included in Section 21 of the Law On Land Reform in the cities of the Republic of Latvia have been complied with.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    Natural and legal persons who may acquire land with restrictions specified in Chapter 5 of the Law On Land Reform in the cities of the Republic of Latvia shall submit a submission regarding the provision of consent for the acquisition/preservation of land land land (in a free form or, using the proposed sample) to the Bureau of Property Expropriation of the Riga City Council, to whom a transaction act or other document certifying the transfer of ownership or a copy thereof is attached.
    An application accompanied by a transaction act or another document certifying the transfer of ownership or a copy thereof may be submitted in person, sent by mail or using an e-address, sent with a secure electronic signature to an e-mail address.

    In cases where it is necessary to limit or stop the arrival of visitors in person, visitors are accepted remotely, in exceptional cases where the issue cannot be resolved remotely, allowing the presence of visitors, the service may be provided on site at the Riga City Council Property Department's Customer Service Centre on the Knights Street 10, Riga, only after a previous recording of the phone number +37s. 167026138 or +37167105221 or specialists, assessing the urgency of providing it in person on a case-by-case basis.

    The time of recruitment of specialists can be consulted in the “Services” section of the homepage of the Riga City Council Property Department:

    To address issues, related to the receipt of the service, to the Riga City Council Bureau of Property Defeiture, by calling 67105343.

  2. Receipt of services
    A person may receive a statement signed by the Chairman of the Riga City Council or a person authorised by the Chairman of the Riga City Council regarding the consent for the acquisition/preservation of the land in person, e-mail or by post.

    In cases where it is necessary to limit or stop the arrival of visitors in person, visitors are accepted remotely, in exceptional cases where the issue cannot be resolved remotely, allowing the presence of visitors, the service may be provided on site at the Riga City Council Property Department's Customer Service Centre on the Knights Street 10, Riga, only after a previous recording of the phone number +37s. 167026138 or +37167105221 or specialists, assessing the urgency of providing it in person on a case-by-case basis.

    The time of recruitment of specialists can be consulted in the “Services” section of the homepage of the Riga City Council Property Department: