Process description
Service requests
1. If it is necessary to receive an opinion regarding the most appropriate educational programme, parents shall co-ordinate the time of the visit in line with specialists of the Latvian National Government pedagogical Medical Commission. During the visit, a child's capacity and development test shall be performed at the clinical psychologist, logopper, special education educator and the documents submitted by parents shall be examined. If necessary, an in-depth psychological study of the intellectual capacity of a child, advice with a doctor, a child psychiatrist and a rehabilitologist shall be provided.
Following a visit to the Commission's specialists for an opinion, parents and children come to the Commission meeting. The Commission shall examine the results of the examination carried out, the documents submitted and shall discuss the results obtained with the parent. Parents are consulted on the most appropriate educational programme for a child's abilities and receive an opinion. Parents receive information regarding the education institutions of the municipality of Riga, which implement the proposed education programme.
2. If it is necessary to receive an opinion regarding the organisation of the training of long-term pupils at home, the parents or an adult educatee shall, by telephone or in person, co-ordinate the time of arrival at the meeting of the Commission. Long-term school pupils, if the family doctor has not imposed restrictions on movement, come to the Commission meeting with parents (adult pupils without parents), which reviews the documents submitted and takes a decision on the organisation of training at home for a specified period. If the training in the home is determined for the first time, the opinion shall be submitted to the school where the educatee learns. If the training at home is repeatedly recommended, the commission shall provide information regarding the training centres of Riga long-term learners in schools.
Parents/year-olds shall receive counselling, submit documents and agree on the time of the visit with specialists by telephone 67037322. For recommending the most appropriate education programme:
1) application of the legal representative of the child (form)
2) a statement of the state of health of the family doctor (form 27/u)
3) medical-specialist conclusions, extracts from medical treatment or rehabilitation institutions, documents to be submitted in conformity with the nature of the disorder:
- visual disturbances - ophthalmologist opinion;
- with hearing impairment - an opinion of the otolaryngologist and logophospice or audiologopic, an opinion of a neurologist for students with severe degrees (grades 4, 5);
- with physical developmental disorders - the opinion of an orthopedic or rehabilitologist or a child surgeon, an educatee with neurological diseases and physical developmental disorders - the opinion of a neurologist;
- in somatic cases, the opinion of the allerlogist or pneumonologist, ftiziatra, endocrinologist or gastroenterologist;
- an opinion of a logophospice or audiologopecod with linguistic impairment. The opinion of an educational or clinical psychologist to be educated from the age of 5;
- with mixed developmental disorders - the opinion of an educational or clinical psychologist and psychiatrist;
- with mental health disorders - the opinion of an educational or clinical psychologist and psychiatrist;
- an opinion of an educational or clinical psychologist and psychiatrist with mental impairment, severe mental impairment or a number of severe developmental disorders;
- in the light of changes in the health status of the child, in addition to the above findings, in order to clarify the state of health, opinions of other specialists, such as the opinion of a neurologist, extracts from a hospital, rehabilitation establishment (copies thereof) may be submitted.
4) information regarding an educatee from an educational institution
5) educational institution support personnel research materials
6) statement or statements of performance (for pupils)
7) working papers in the mother tongue and math (for pupils)
For the organisation of training of long-term learners at home:
1) submission of the legal representative/educatee of the child (form)
2) a statement of the state of health of the family doctor (form 27/u)
3) school statement form
4) a statement or extracts of performance.Receipt of services
During the specified time, the educatee, together with the parent/authorised representative/adult educatee without the parent/authorised representative, shall arrive at a visit to the specialists, receive the opinion of the Pedagoģiski medical commission after taking the decision. The applicant for the service receives a telephone reminder two days before the visit.