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The City Development Department of Riga City Council, after receiving an electronic request, by registering the e-service to the Riga municipal services portal or by sending an application to e-mail, shall issue the topographic information in the Riga city's high-detail topographic information database (hereinafter - topographic information database), the execution information, the dismantled site and the elements. information on the requested area and information from individual engineering networks. The service can also be received via the National Uniform Geospatial Data Portal
This information is used for the preparation of a topography plan, an execution plan or a building situation plan. Topographic information shall be provided in a digital format *. dgn.
In conformity with the Law on Geospatial Information and 30.08.2011 For the purposes of the BOM Regulation No 673, the mandatory content of the rules for the use of the geospatial data set and the procedures for obtaining a permit for use shall be used in agreement with the conditions for the authorisation of the use of the Geospatial Data Set.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The following ways to request a service are:

    – POST-PAYMENT: under the section Geospatial Information/Issuing Topographical Information from the database/POST-PAYMENT, be authorised by the National Uniform Geospatial Information Portal ( and complete the requested information;

    – PREPAYMENT: under Geospatial Information/Issuance of Topographical Information from Database/PREPAYMENT, be authorised by the Riga municipal services portal, complete the form of the application and attach a file with a highlighted area for which information is requested;

    - PREPAYMENT: an application form for the issue of topographic information from the database must be completed and a file with a highlighted area for which information is requested, preferably in the format of *. dgn or *. dwg files, must be added in the Annex. A completed application form must be signed with a secure electronic signature and sent to the by file.

  2. A service charge
    The service charge shall be calculated in accordance with 18.12.2019. The binding rules of the Riga City Council No 98 on the “binding rules for the circulation of topographic information of high detail”:
    • EUR 2.00 * for information on one M1: 1000 pages of cards (25 ha) (nomenclature according to TKS-93 page breakdown)
    * Value added tax shall not be applied in accordance with Section 3, Paragraph eight of the Value Added Tax Act.

    Within 2 (two) working days after receipt of the submission, a prepayment invoice shall be sent to the e-mail address indicated in the application;
    Within 3 (three) working days after receipt of payment, topographic information from the database shall be prepared and issued.

    By the 5 th (fifth) date of the following calendar month, an e-mail address indicated in the Cooperation Agreement on the Procedures for Payment of Services shall be sent a post-payment invoice for files downloaded on the National Uniform Geospatial Information Portal in the previous month.

    The Properties:
    Riga municipality
    Address: Ratslaums 1, Riga, LV-1050
    NMR code: 90011524360
    Sales tax exempt. No: LV90011524360
    Bank: Latvian branch of Luminor Bank AS
    SWIFT code: RIKOLV2X
    Account No: LV36RIKO0020200002010
    Institution code: 207

  3. Receipt of services
    The following ways of receiving the service are:

    post-PAYMENT: The National Uniform Geospatial Information Portal ( - in the form of archived files, is available for download 1 (one) day from the completion of a request for use and acceptance of a permit for use;

    – PREPAYMENT: topographic information files are to be considered and downloadable in the format of *. dgn files, authored by the Riga municipal services portal The information shall also be sent to the e-mail address specified in the customer's application;

    – PREPAYMENT: topographic information files *. dgn in file format are sent to the e-mail address indicated in the client's application.


2.00 EUR

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