Process description
Service requests
The owner of the decentralised channel system shall apply with an application to the Kancelejā of the Housing and Environment Department of the Riga City Council or to the city of Riga's city city city city city city city city city city city residents centre, or send an application by post, or by electronic means. The Local Sewer Systems and Environmental Objects Division of the Management Board of the Housing and Environment Department shall, in conformity with the regulatory enactments, carry out the registration of the decentralised sewer system in the register of decentralised sewer systems.
When submitting an application electronically, it must be signed with an electronic signature.Receipt of services
The applicant may obtain by telephone information regarding the registration of his or her decentralised sewer system in the register of decentralised canaling systems or rely on the principle of silence-consent, if there is no request from the department within a month of the submission, to consider that a decentralised canaling system has been registered.