Execution deadline in working days
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Receiving restrictions

Persons with visual, movement and mental impairment may receive an assistant to perform activities outside the dwelling which, due to their disability, cannot perform independently - to the place where they are studying, working, receiving services. If a disabled child grows in a family, a number of forms of support directly related to parental employment are envisaged until the age of 18.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    A person shall, in addition, attach the following documents to
    1. A document (copy) certifying the rights of representation of the lawful representative, if the services of the assistant are requested by the lawful representative of the person.
    2. The opinion of the State Commission for Health and Health Assessment Doctors, if the service is requested for a child from the age of five to 18 years and such information is not available in the local government information system:
    2.1. The need for special care in the event of severe malfunctions, if an assistant's service is requested;
    2.2. regarding the necessity of the satellite service, if the service of the satellite is requested.
    3. a statement from the employer that the person is a worker with the relevant employer, if the person is employed in a salaried job or a self-certification of the performer of economic activity regarding the activities to be performed for the performance of economic activity, if the person performs economic activity;
    4. A statement from the Latvian Paralimpic Committee that the person is engaged in Paralympic Sport if the person participates in national or international Paralympic competitions;
    5. a copy of the contract between the volunteer organisation and the volunteer for the voluntary work, presenting the original, if the documents are submitted in person, if the person performs the voluntary work;
    6. a statement of a capital company, association or foundation, if the person has been elected to the Governing Board and if such information is not available in the Enterprise Register of the Republic of Latvia;
    7. a statement from an educational institution that a person undertakes a relevant educational programme in a given educational institution if the person learns or studies and if such information is not available in the State Education Information System;
    8. a statement of the day care centre or specialised workshop, if the person visits the relevant institutions and if such information is not available in the SOPA application for the Administration of Social Assistance and Social Services;
    9. a confirmation from a family (general practice) doctor or treating physician that a person receives medical haemodialysis or chemotherapy procedures appointed by a doctor at least once a week, if that information is not available in the Disability Information System.

    In order to receive an assistant service in Riga, a person or a person authorised by it must turn to the territorial centres of the Riga Social Service after the place of residence:
    - residents of Kurzeme District and the suburb of Zemgale may refer to the Pardaugava District Department.
    - residents of Latgale suburbs may turn to Latgale District Department.
    - The residents of Vidzeme suburbs, the Central District and the Northern District may apply to the Northern District Department.


  2. Receipt of services
    The service is received when a person moves outside the home.
    An assistant or assistant service provider, which is a legal person, shall submit to the Riga Social Service, once a month (by the 10.dat of each month for the previous month) an accounting page of the service regarding the assistant service provided to the person in the previous month.
    The report shall indicate the days when an assistant service or an attendant service is provided and the number of hours worked on it, with the signatures of the assistant and the customer certifying the service provided and received. If the assistant service is assigned to an adult person, the report shall indicate the number of hours worked on the day of the provision of the service, broken down by activities for which the assistant service was used in the relevant days.
    Riga Social Service concludes a contract with an assistant service interrogator and an assistant service provider and controls the performance of the contract obligations.