Process description
Service requests
The specialised workshop service (hereinafter - Service) shall provide specialist support for persons of working age in the development of work and social skills and skills for persons with mental disabilities.
The following services shall be provided within the specialised workshops service:
1) catering (once a day) or the possibility of eating food prepared by itself;
2) training for the acquisition and retention of vocational skills and skills;
3) consultations of a social worker and other specialists.
4) the development, maintenance, development, mobility and development of social skills and household skills, relaxing individual or group activities;
5) customer information and education activities;
6) leisure measures.
In order to receive a specialised workshop service, a person (presenting a personal identification document) or his or her lawful representative (presenting a personal identification document and an authorisation agreement) shall turn to the Riga Social Service and submit:
1) a submission in which the problem and the solution which it wants shall be indicated;
2) a statement issued by a family doctor regarding the state of health of a person, specifying the type (s) of functional disorder and the characteristics (if any) of an acute infection (for example, lung tuberculosis at the active stage, acute infectious disease), which may influence the procedures for the provision of social services;
3) the opinion of a psychiatrist regarding the psychological health of a person and the special (psychiatric) contraindications for the receipt of social services;
4) other documents (which are necessary for the granting and provision of the service of specialised workshops).
Documents may also be submitted to the Social Service of Riga by a secure electronic normal or by mail.Receipt of services
The person receives the service at the specialised workshop.
The list of social service institutions can be consulted on the homepage of the Welfare Department of the Riga City Council in Section “Social services for persons with mental disabilities”.