Process description
Service requests
The service may be requested in person, electronically or by post.
When requesting a service in person, the customer refers to the Riga Municipal Agency, where there is a possibility to request a consultation time in order to assess the amount of the service required.
When requesting a service electronically, the client shall submit a submission, which has been prepared in conformity with the regulatory enactments regarding the drawing up of electronic documents, certified with a secure electronic signature, time stamp and if other necessary documents are available, which are related to the nature of the service provided.
When requesting a service by post, the customer shall submit an application specifying his or her contact details and the nature of the content for the service and, if any, other necessary documents relating to the nature of the service provided.A service charge
The service fee provided shall be EUR 25,00/h. The service is provided free of charge to Riga residents and the municipal authorities, departments and capital companies of Riga.Receipt of services
The service may be received in person or electronically.
When receiving the service in person, the customer, in agreement with the employees of the Riga Municipal Agency “Riga Energy Agency” regarding the possible times for the provision of services, is determined by evaluating individually the amount of information required.
When electronically receiving the service, it is organised in a MS TEAM program or another that provides the necessary functions for high-quality performance of the service.
When requesting a service by mail, the customer may receive it electronically or in person. Both remotely using an online application by mutual agreement, both on-site or on-site, or on-demand.