Starting on 1 September all Year 1, 4, and 7 schoolchildren in Riga’s schools that had previously taught ethnic minority curricula will begin their studies in Latvian. The schools are actively…
On Saturday, 29 July, the Neighbourhood festival will be celebrated with a variety of concerts, creative workshops and theatre performances for children in Zolitūde and Čiekurkalns. Prieka mirkļi…
The Riga Summer of Courage and Joy cultural programme in July and August will entertain Riga's residents and visitors with a variety of events–concerts, creative and art workshops and open air dance…
The Finance and Administration Affairs Committee of the Riga City Council decided to support the implementation of the project “Support for displaced persons from Ukraine in Latvia and Riga”. For the…
During the weekend Riga will warmly welcome more than 40,000 XXVII Nationwide Latvian Song Festival and XVII Dance Festival participants, from which almost 12,000 will come from the capital city’s…
Continuing to reduce the amount of waste in the capital, in Riga, from next year, reusable glasses or deposit glasses will have to be used instead of disposable glasses in temporary street trade and…