Execution deadline in working days
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The service governs the economic activity on transport structures in the possession of the Riga City municipality and in the immediate vicinity thereof, which is related to their borrowing, intrusion.

Process description

  1. Service requests
    The service may be requested in person at the Riga City Council Transport Department, Riga, Gertrude Street at the time of acceptance specified in Bureau 36, 110, and by e-mail in The following documents must be submitted in order to be authorised for the use of street elements (borrowing): 1. Application for the performance of works and the right to sign a contract. 2. Workplace equipment scheme harmonised in accordance with the requirements of Sub-chapter 3.2 of Regulation No 421 of the Cabinet of Ministers regarding the fitting of a workplace on the roads. 3. Layout scheme of the technical means of the road traffic organisation in the streets with public transport traffic, which is co-ordinated with the public transport carriers of Riga City (RP SIA “Riga Traffic”). 4. The contract regarding the use of transport structures referred to in the application should be concluded with the Transport Department of the Riga City Council. The originals of the following documents must be produced: Regulatory enactments
    the project has been agreed and accepted in accordance with the procedures specified. 2. Construction permit, proof card or explanatory statement. 3. In the cases provided for in regulatory enactments, a project for the performance of works with a calendar schedule.

  2. A service charge
    The contract fee for the use (use) of transport structures is calculated on the basis of the decision No 9207 of the Riga City Council on 28.12.2000 “On charges for the use (use) of transport structures within the red lines of Riga streets and in the protection zones of transport structures and engineering communications”. The service fee shall be paid to the account of the Latvian branch of Luminor Bank AS Nr.LV 60RIKO0023400004030.

  3. Receipt of services
    The service can be received in person at the Riga City Council Transport Department, Riga, Gertrude Street at the time of acceptance specified in Bureau 36, 110, and by e-mail in

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